Thursday, June 17, 2010

Does the Dem tax budget really seek only to raise taxes on the rich?

%26quot;House Democrats recently adopted a budget with massive tax hikes, many of which are directed at those Americans who can least afford them. By allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010, this budget will raise income taxes not only on those in the highest income brackets, but raises the lowest bracket from 10% to 15% as well. Estates would again be taxed at 55%. The child tax credit would drop from $1000 to $500. Senior citizens relying on investment income would be hurt by increases in dividend and capital gains taxes. It%26#039;s not just that the Democrats want to raises taxes on the rich. They want to raises taxes on everybody.

The problem is, policing the world is expensive, and if elected officials insist upon continuing to fund our current foreign policy, the money has to come from somewhere. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have already cost us over $1 trillion. The Democrats%26#039; budget gives the President all the funding he needs for his foreign policy, so one wonders how serious they ever were about ending the war. While Democrats propose to tax and spend, many Republicans aim to borrow and spend, which hurts the taxpayer just as much in the long run.

Supporting a welfare state is expensive as well. Over half of our budget goes to mandatory entitlements. The total cost of government now eats up over half of our national income, as calculated by Americans for Tax Reform, and government is growing at an unprecedented rate. Our current financial situation is completely untenable, and the worst part is, as government is becoming more and more voracious, the economy is shrinking.

The bottom line is that Washington has a serious spending addiction. While both parties debate how to raise the revenue, both parties seem happy to spend over $3 trillion of your money in various ways. While some in Washington criticize the war in Iraq, very few are criticizing the interventionist mindset that got us into the war in the first place. Many so-called %26quot;Iraq War critics,%26quot; criticize this administration rather than truly opposing the decades old policies that led to war. They claim they will eventually get the troops out of Iraq, but the danger is that they simply plan to move them around to other countries, not bring them home. The American people want peace. Minding our own business is the best way to achieve it. Not only is it also a whole lot cheaper, but free trade and friendship with other countries benefits all involved.

This spending spree is exactly the wrong policy for an economy on the brink of recession. History has shown that all empires eventually crumble under a worthless currency and with an exhausted military. Since too many of our nation%26#039;s leaders haven%26#039;t taken the time to learn from history, we are seeing mistakes repeated through recently enacted policies such as the new House budget.

Does the Dem tax budget really seek only to raise taxes on the rich?

The problem is for the Democrats, the term rich is fluid. YOu can%26#039;t generate a large income from relying on the rich. There aren%26#039;t enough rich to actually effect anything. What happened is that they redefine the rich to include the middle class. The poor are willing to go a long with this theory, because it%26#039; s not them and the politicians use the jealosy of the poor to attack the middle class. England did a study and found those less fortunate has a habit of trying to damage the income of those more fortunate even at a loss for themselves. A while back, before I recieve any benefits at work , I looked at how much taxes was deducted. I found over half my income went to taxes. This includes state, social security and Federal as well as others. I am far from being rich too. I worked for the feds and part of the problem is corruption and abuse. I talked to some Democrats in politics and they would scream at how corrupt Bush was. I of course did not disagree, but they would tell me taht we need to spend a lot more money on infrastructure. I told them , that Bush was still President, and if we increase spending , even more money would be lost in corruption. I was flabbergasted that their response was , %26quot;so what%26quot;. Money which exchange hands, even if through illegal means still increase the GNP, and that is how some see it. I had a friend who worked in a federal program which gives out free vaccinations. Very few vaccinations were handed out, and most of the vaccines was dumped. No one knows of this program. My assumption was that the money spent on the vaccines was just to make drug companies rich and that they hide this program so those who needs the vaccines would end up buying it, making the drug companies richer. The point of the story is , that the Democrats only have these social programs to make corporations rich. Like government cheese was to help the dairy industry rather than help the people. Neither parties are accountable to the people. I agree the Democrats has no desire to get out of the war. They want to prolong the war to gain votes and increase hostilities towards the Republicans.

Does the Dem tax budget really seek only to raise taxes on the rich?

No, it sounds like your typical head-in-the-sand Ron Paul.

Does the Dem tax budget really seek only to raise taxes on the rich?

What?! You mean you don%26#039;t believe Hillary? Old, undereducated, white bigots are turning over in their graves right now.

Does the Dem tax budget really seek only to raise taxes on the rich?

Some one has to pay the PRESIDENT BUSH%26#039;S Bill that is why We need to stop his tax cut and make the corperation %26amp; rich pay more,or did want to have your childern pay for it

Does the Dem tax budget really seek only to raise taxes on the rich?


WHAT is the Democrats defined level of income to be considered RICH ?

Democrats generally believe in heavy fines for honest work, while rewarding sloth and indulgence.

Do YOU think that people should be able to do absolutely nothing productive and get government hand-outs for sloth and indulgence - healthcare, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, STDs, etc. ??

Do YOU want to have YOUR MONEY TAKEN from YOU and YOUR FAMILY to FINANCE these people ???

Does the Dem tax budget really seek only to raise taxes on the rich?

I haven%26#039;t seen a bill yet that the Dem%26#039;s haven%26#039;t screwed everybody over with in higher taxes for all.

Even our state Gov is a Dem, and that%26#039;s all he thinks about (raising taxes on all) to pay the bills, rather than cut his spending.

I wish every elected politician would have to run their budget like it was a bank account. Every time they went over in spending, and caused a %26quot;overdraft in funds%26quot;, the politicians should be required to cover the amount of the overdraft , and the service charge on top of it out of their own personal pockets. The answer to their problem isn%26#039;t to keep raising taxes, but killing their earmarks for their pet projects. There is far too much waste going on throughout our government. Locally, statewide, and in Washington D.C. No matter what they do, it will always effect the middle class, and little guys who are not wealthy.

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