Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bush tax cut expiration?

How many of you realize just how much more in taxes you will have to pay if bush%26#039;s tax cuts expire,and no not the wealthy,the working middle class.Barack Obama will make a bad economy even worse if hes elected and lets these tax cuts expire

Just take a look here:

The Child Tax Credit will decrease from $1,000 to $500 a child

Income tax rates would rise around 3%-4.5%

AMT-Exemptions will decrease $6,500 per filer

Business tax expenses- Maximum deduction amount will decrease $75,000,from $100,000 to $25,000

Capital Gains- Rates will rise 10%-20%

Income tax burden-will raise about 5% for many workers

Marriage penalty created

Dividends-rates to increase from 15% to 40%

50% average increased tax rates on lower income houses

8.1 million jobs have been created

Average of $2,500 more in taxes to average middle class American

Yeah and this will help the economy how??????Stupid liberals

Bush tax cut expiration?

and how did the bad economy come about? please tell us your theory on that. And be sure to tell us why the meltdown is happening after Bush has been in control for 7 years.

You guys are really least to those of us who can see through you B.S.


Bush tax cut expiration?

Bush and his kind expiration?

Bush tax cut expiration?

Obama has already talked about increasing the capital gains tax, and increasing the amount you now pay for Social Security. He said you would have to sacrifice-when a politician says sacrifice, he is talking about uping the with holding tax from your pay. Why bother to get rid of the pork barrel spending? Why try to decrease the enormous size of the government? Why not cut out all the perks like gov. cars and cell phones? H-ll no, just put more of a tax burden on the voters. Anyone who votes for him, with his inexperience is going to be very sorry is he gets elected. Having him for a president would be like going to a doctor who has no experience.

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