Thursday, June 17, 2010

How can a father claim a child as a dependent if he has nothing to so with child?

I am a single mother of an autistic 8 year old girl and her father has had nothing to do with her since she was born. When we went to child support court July 2005 the Judge told me that the only way that he was going to allow her father to pay $50 more a month is that he claims our child on income tax as long as he is current on child support. My question is this he is current this year and can claim her on his taxes, is he going to be able to collect EIC or child tax credit?

How can a father claim a child as a dependent if he has nothing to so with child?

Don%26#039;t take the extra $50. It isn%26#039;t worth the $2000 or so you get refunded during tax season. He sounds like an a$$ to me. My co-worker who has 4 children with the same guy only gets $25 a month for each child, and he makes 4x the amount of money she does. And he VERY RARELY sees the kids, only when he absolutley has to. how he gets away with this?? I have noooo idea. Karma will catch up to these men though, youll see. Just hang in there.

How can a father claim a child as a dependent if he has nothing to so with child?

Unfortunently,yes, if his income falls in the allowable ranges.

How can a father claim a child as a dependent if he has nothing to so with child?

That sounds so crazy to me! Have you consulted with an attorney?? I have went thru the same thing as you with the child support issue and they never brought up taxes. My kids dad pays the support and I still claim them as it should be since I have them 90% of the time! Maybe it%26#039;s because you make alot more than him?? Is that possible? If not, then I wouldn%26#039;t get why a man who disregards his child would be able to do that. I know that in California it asks you when you do your taxes if that child lives with you at least 50% of the time when you try to claim them. He would obviously need to answer no! what a lame person he sounds..

How can a father claim a child as a dependent if he has nothing to so with child?

If your child lives with you and not with her dad for over half the year, then YOU can still claim EIC for her if you have income in the required range even if HE claims her as a dependent. He will get the child tax credit though.

How can a father claim a child as a dependent if he has nothing to so with child?

If his adjusted gross incomes falls under 39,000 then he will definitely, and unfortunately get the EIC for your child. Maybe you can work it out where he files your daughter just for dependancy, and you file the EIC

How can a father claim a child as a dependent if he has nothing to so with child?

All of the credits follow the dependency. You lost a lot more than $50 per month.

How can a father claim a child as a dependent if he has nothing to so with child?

Only the custodial parent can claim the EIC and head of household filing status. File your taxes letting the preparer know she lives with you and he is only getting to claim her due to a court order. He will get the exemption and child tax credit. You can get EIC, hoh and child and dependent care credit.

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