Saturday, June 19, 2010


Handed in my notice at work but looking for new employment.

1. Wife gets child tax credit not working (4yr old to look after)

Q: will her allowance be affected.

2. I get small amount of family tax credit based on earning before notice handed in.

Q: will i get this stopped till i work again (apparently no job seekers allowance for 6 weeks.)

Q: should i get a job with lower pay than previous how quickly can i get the working tax credit raised.


Ring them 084530003900


1. no may be upped

2. may be stopped

3. working tax credit will be stopped

4. within 4 weeks


ring tax credits to let them know you are off work you should claim unemployment benefit although because you left you will have to wait a few weeks,phone tax credit office to let them know and they may automatically put the money up.

on the tax credit website you can put in ammounts to see what you could be entitled to to let you work out what you you would earn if you do go for a lower paid job.

also check about housing benefit if that can be claimed now just so money isn%26#039;t to tight.


1. No

2. Yes if you mean working tax credit. Why can%26#039;t you get JSA? You need to prove you had no option.

3. Immediately


when i gave my job up i had to claim income support aswell as child tax credit, and yes it does take 6 weeks to get it, so if i was you i would get a job lower paid and they can sort that out over the phone and have it in your account by the next week. and that will save you going without money and they will calculate it all and up your tax credit...... good luck


By rights you have no entitlement to Tax Credits since you are no longer employed. One of you has to work 16 hours a week or more, BUT if you dont tell them they wont know, just find a new job and then ring tax credits to let them know your new income.

Dont tell them you were unemployed for any time, they wont find out if you dont tell them :o)

With reference to the lower paid job, they work out the amount of Tax Credits to you in Bands according to the amount you earn, these abnds are abour every 鎷?500 I think so if you get a lower paid job it will have to be below the previous band you were on for you to gain more.

I hope this helps, Tax Credits are notoriously difficult to understand but hang on in there! :o)


Go to your local Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Office and they will take care of everything for you. They have a computer software programme that will estimate your tax credits depending on your financial circumstances and tell you if it is better for you to work more or less hours.

Your wife will continue to get Child Tax Credit but the rate will stay the same or could increase depending on your income.

Working Tax Credit (the one you get) will stop because you will be no longer working at least 16 hours.

Ring Tax Credits Helpline and inform them of your change of circumstances. They%26#039;ll send you a new tax credits claim form in the post.

I thought if you voluntarily left employment with no good reason then you could not get JSA for up to 12 weeks. Ring your local Social Security Agency (dont give them your personal details - just make general enquiry) and ask them when would you be eligible to claim - or phone your CAB office.

If you are sick - %26quot;stress%26quot; say then you could claim Incapacity Benefit and possibly Income Support - depending on your income straight away.

Definitely seek advice from a CAB adviser.


try these links

its about london offshore finance

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