year 2005, i claimed as dependent with child tax credit(under 18) full time high school and living with me, but this year she made less then $5000 income and w-2 form received. how can i claimed with my income tax form and how handle with her w-2 form if i claimed for this year, can i add to my income?
How do i claim a child under 18 years and has w-2 form with less then $5000 income..?
You file your return and claim her just the same as before, except that if she was 17 by the end of 2006, you don%26#039;t get the child tax credit for her. You don%26#039;t add her income to yours or show it anywhere on your return.
With under $5000 income, she isn%26#039;t required to file a federal return, but if she had anything withheld for federal income taxes, she should file her own return to get the withholding refunded to her. If she files she should check the place on her return saying that she can be claimed as a dependent.
Depending on where you live, she might be required to file a state return, and possibly a city one also. And before everyone else jumps on me for this statement - in PA you have to file if you had over $33 income - yes, you heard me right - so while in most states if you don%26#039;t have to file federal you don%26#039;t have to file state either, it%26#039;s not true everywhere.
Note: in PA if you make under a certain amount you receive %26quot;tax forgiveness%26quot; so don%26#039;t owe anything but still have to file - strange but true.
How do i claim a child under 18 years and has w-2 form with less then $5000 income..?
No, she would need to file her own tax return. You would still be able to claim her as your dependent. When she files her tax return, she doesn%26#039;t get the personal exemption for herself (you are getting it on your return), however, her standard deduction is the lesser of her earned income or the standard deduction for a single individual. Since the standard deduction for a single is $5,150, and she earned less than $5,000 in income, then her standard deduction is her income. This is assuming that her income is EARNED income, that is income from working, rather than UNEARNED income, which is income from sources such as interest and dividends. Since the standard deduction would wipe out her earned income, her taxable income would be zero, and any income tax that was withheld from her wages would be refunded to her.
How do i claim a child under 18 years and has w-2 form with less then $5000 income..?
For this, you do your taxes seperately. You can claim him or her on your taxes, but when they file their taxes they cant claim themselves. If you need more help and you dont understand what im saying.... call H %26amp; R block and they will help you. good luck! happy taxing!
How do i claim a child under 18 years and has w-2 form with less then $5000 income..?
If you provided more than half of the child%26#039;s support, you still get the dependent exemption.
She needs to file her own return if any income tax was withheld from her wages, to get a refund of those. Since her income is less than $5,150, she has no tax liability; if no income tax was withheld she does NOT need to file.
You do NOT claim her W2 income on your tax return!
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