Saturday, October 31, 2009

How do you feel about the $400 billion tax hike being proposed by the liberals?

It will hit poor as well as rich so don%26#039;t think you are immune. Some of the proposed items include: Raise the 10% tax bracket to 15%, causing families who previously owed nothing to now pay taxes! Eliminate the marriage penalty, averaging $2,899. 3) Cut the Child Tax Credit in half involving over 31 million families. Old folks on fixed incomes will see taxes go up 156%. Single women will see taxes increase by $2,068.

How do you feel about the $400 billion tax hike being proposed by the liberals?

I just pray that there is a sensible Republican elected or the whole thing can just go bust.

How do you feel about the $400 billion tax hike being proposed by the liberals?

How do you feel about the $400 billion spending hike by the conservatives?

How do you feel about the $400 billion tax hike being proposed by the liberals?

I feel fine, because it%26#039;s not true.

I feel real fine about the tax increase they have proposed for the wealthiest 10% which will reverse the Bush tax breaks for the most wealthy.

I feel fine about no more tax breaks for Big Oil they have proposed. Another Bush - Cheney decision that ripped off tax payers. All while oil companies raised gas prices through the roof and had the largest profits ever recorded.

I feel fine about the proposal to close all the Corporate loop holes provided, yeah once again by the Bush Administration.

These are some of the REAL changes being proposed by the democrats.

Ripping off the poor and middle class has already been happening the past 6 years and it wasn%26#039;t at the hand of the Democrats. It was the Bush-Cheney Administration.

How do you feel about the $400 billion tax hike being proposed by the liberals?

as long as my welfare check comes on time I don%26#039;t really care...

How do you feel about the $400 billion tax hike being proposed by the liberals?

Interesting Question


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