Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Is a guy who is paying court ordered child support entitled to any tax credits, or do they all go to

I would check with the IRS or your state tax office.

I pay $1500.00 a month in child support and alimoney. I am entitled to claim the alimoney as outgoing payments but NOT the child support.

The parent of which the child resides is entitled to claim the child in the income tax!

Is a guy who is paying court ordered child support entitled to any tax credits, or do they all go to the mom?

The law states that the one supplying more than 50% of the child%26#039;s support is entitled to the dependant tax break. So if a man is paying say 1200 a month in support he gets it. If he pays 100 a month she gets it.

Is a guy who is paying court ordered child support entitled to any tax credits, or do they all go to the mom?

Not necisarally in all states. In Oregon if you owe over $500 dollars in back child support it will automaticly go to court fines and then to child support. Yeah I know, we need to get our priorites straight but hey, I didn%26#039;t make the law!

Is a guy who is paying court ordered child support entitled to any tax credits, or do they all go to the mom?

If you are paying child support then you should be receiving the tax credit. This is usually ordered in your final custody or divorce judgment. In some cases...lets say the father is only paying a minimal amount of child support per month...say less than $500, then I think the mother gets the tax credit because she would be spending much more than $500 per month to support the child. I have also seen if a father or mother is delinquent in paying child support, even if the amount is higher, they cannot take the tax credit.

Is a guy who is paying court ordered child support entitled to any tax credits, or do they all go to the mom?

Most child support does not exceed 50% of a childs needs. Unless agreed to in court, the non-custodial parent cannot claim the child/children as dependents for tax purposes. Child support is also not deductable on income taxes. Alimony is deductable however and must be claimed as income by the person receiving it.

Is a guy who is paying court ordered child support entitled to any tax credits, or do they all go to the mom?

Child tax credits go to the parent with care, but if you meet the criteria for working tax credits you can make a claim. GB tax credits system.

Is a guy who is paying court ordered child support entitled to any tax credits, or do they all go to the mom?

depends how you have things set up. IN my court papers, I have it set up so i get one child, and he gets one child - if you don%26#039;t have anything set up - it goes to the one that has custody of the child

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