Saturday, October 31, 2009

Liberals, since Bush's tax cuts did nothing to help the poor...?

you won%26#039;t mind if in 2010, Congress lets expire the increased child tax credit, marriage penalty relief, and the 10 percent income tax bracket , right?

Liberals, since Bush%26#039;s tax cuts did nothing to help the poor...?

The worse thing that could happen to the poor is if the Bush tax cuts are repealed. We need to make them permanent. The rich are already paying out the nose in taxes. What is wrong with giving them a break as well.

Liberals, since Bush%26#039;s tax cuts did nothing to help the poor...?

I don%26#039;t how they can say tax cuts do nothing for the poor. When you give tax breaks to people who HIRE people, you are helping everyone.

Liberals, since Bush%26#039;s tax cuts did nothing to help the poor...?

pretty insignificant when you compare it to the taxbreaks for the ultra rich.

Liberals, since Bush%26#039;s tax cuts did nothing to help the poor...?

Despite what everyone keeps touting, the tax code is still pretty lopsided as far as who is contributing to the federal revenue. Middle-class to low wage earners only contribute about 30% of the total tax revenue collected.

I see this as a problem in the progressive tax system, a smaller portion of the population are covering the bills for the government.

I am sure that wealthy Americans don%26#039;t fret over their tax bills. I think any American who has become wealthy in this country gladly pays the amount of money the government asks of them.

Even tho middle-class America pays a smaller portion of the government%26#039;s bills, this income level is in need of tax relief. Increases in the cost of energy, medical insurance, and other staples is eroding the disposable income of the class of people who drive our economy.

Middle-class America may not be paying a proportionate amount of federal taxes, but it drives not only our economy but most of the global economy as well.

I believe we would benefit from a tax overhaul in this country. I see a combination of a federal sales tax and a progressive tax for wealthier Americans as a possible cure for both deficit spending and tax relief for middle and lower income wage earners.

The government should apply a 6% sales tax on all goods and services sold in the USA. A progressive income tax should apply on incomes of over $100,000 per year at the current established rate, with a $6000 tax credit.

There would be many benefits to this type of tax structure. Most people would be tax only on what they spend, not what they earn and save. It would increase federal revenues by over $600 billion, which would elinimate the deficit. It would collect taxes from the underground economy, which has no measurement as to its size in the USA, as people who deal in unreported cash businesses like drug dealers and prostitutes would be taxed on the products they buy.

Liberals, since Bush%26#039;s tax cuts did nothing to help the poor...?

It is sad to think that they will actually let the Bush tax cut expire. Aren%26#039;t they making enough from us at the gas pump? I can%26#039;t even imagine the economic damage it would do. This tax cut brought our economy back to it%26#039;s feet after the Clinton Bubble Burst. Finally, isn%26#039;t taxing the rich penalizing the individuals who do well for themselves? Would this tax apply to our congress and senate who are sitting pretty in DC? Of course not!

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