Saturday, October 31, 2009

Shall i claim income support or tax credits?

currently i work part time, 16 hours a week and receive work and Child tax credits, i get 鎷?15 a month including child care fees. I also get 鎷?00 from work and child benefit. I am not in touch with my childrens father. I have a mortgage payment of 300 a month. Am i better off on income support or tax credits? Is there any place i can go to calculate this? The local jobcentre will not do it for me as they would prefer me to work. i have always worked and intend to return once my children are in school--- help!!

Shall i claim income support or tax credits?

I can highly recommend making an appointment with your local Income Maximisation Team who are part of the local Citizens Advice Bureau. They are fully up to date on all legislation regarding claiming benefits and know exactly the statutory amounts you would be entitled to with each benefit, whether they are taxable, if one cancels out the other etc. They are well worth a visit and are really helpful. You get to know exactly what is best for you and what your options are before you make a claim. I think they even have the claim forms there and can arrange to have someone experienced to help you fill them in. Good luck, God bless

Shall i claim income support or tax credits?

As far as I know there are no new applications allowed for Income support

Shall i claim income support or tax credits?

You probably are better off working 16 hours and topping up with benefits(financially and for self esteem) our CAB has someone who will calculate both ways fro you, give yours a call, also the job centre has an adviser for going back to work s/he will be able to helping

Shall i claim income support or tax credits?

I think its better tax credits cause , its not easy to get income support , but I think in your case you are intitled to tax credits.

try this link and check if you are able to claim or no.

best of luck.

Shall i claim income support or tax credits?

The link above is a benefit calculator, may help. You are most definately better off staying as you are though, trust me, I%26#039;m in a similar situation. Good luck x

Shall i claim income support or tax credits?

If you claim Income Support you%26#039;ll receive 鎷?9.15 a week for yourself, your child tax credits %26amp; child benefit for your children, no help with your mortgage for 1st 39 wks of your claim then only 50% help towards your interest on mortgage slowly building to 100% interest over a period of time, your council tax paid, free prescriptions etc but you should already be getting these if receiving working tax credits.

You need to decide yourself from the figures above if you can afford to be at home for your children %26amp; still provide for them as you want to.

By the way did you see the news today about making Lone Parents get work or claim JSA when youngest turns 12 from next October, so if you was still claiming Income Support you%26#039;d have to look for work.

It doesn%26#039;t stop there, they also want to then reduce the age to 7yr olds a few years later.

Jobcentre won%26#039;t tell you this because yes want to keep you in work showing your children this is what adults do, they work for a living, its all about breaking the cycle of families who think benefit is the only option....its not.

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